
Posts Tagged ‘Magical Index’

Well, I’ve been immensely busy…

But, here I am, finally, with a ‘what’s cooking this season?’ post, having finally got around to watching all of the initial episodes. Let me state immediately for the record that I’m not blogging all of this. I’ve still got to catch up with the blogging of last seasons shows for crying out loud. If only work didn’t consume a ludicrous amount of my time…

Also, the format will be:

  • Title
  • LOLCaption
  • Genre
  • Summary
  • Screen Caps
  • Likeliness of me watching/pursuing…

Anyhow, without further ado:

White Album

Ah, the romanctic eighties pop-scene (no really…)

Well, this looks to be the winter romance entry. Its been a while since theres been a good one. I took up Akane-Iro under the false pretense that it could have been something, but it devolved into mind-slop (in a good way, mind you, I still mostly enjoyed that series). So, again, the last proper romance focused series I finished would be True Tears. Which was probably this time last year. Jeez. Though I suppose Toradora is partially filling it currently in a rather quirky little way.

Anyway, this is set in the eighties, and follows our male protagonist and his love for childhood friend Yuki, whom has recently become a pop-idol. However, she has become friends with an already famous idol, Ogata Rina, and evidently, a love triangle forms. I also think Yuki has a thing going on with her manager, whom I believe is Rina’s brother. And then there’s the other friends hanging around. Who knows what could happen.

What is interesting in this is how character thoughts are articulated through on-screen subtitles, which is an interesting direction choice that I’ve not seen before. Usually, the characters have monologues to themselves. I also suck up a good sappy piece of entertainment every so often, so thats good. That said, this hasn’t done anything to totally grab me yet, much to my surprise. Its felt, I dunno, wishy-washy? Even after two eps.


Yuki does look very ‘eighties’ here with the weird hair, doesn’t she?


Yeah, maybe, but its in a cute way, right? The subtitle is of him watching her (above) on the telly.


I did? Well, I guess it never hurts, right?

Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 7/10 ~ I’m interested since I like this stuff, but it hasn’t grabbed me yet.

Maria + Holic

How to take traps to new extremes…

Eh, well what can I say? The LOL caption sums it all up. Its an anime about traps. If you’re not up to date with your 4chan vocabulary, a ‘trap’ is literally a guy whom is so beautiful that they can easily get away with being a girl, and is hence skilled in trapping poor innocent hearts (and crotches). They naturally wear clothing of the opposite gender and its very hard to tell the difference. The classic example is ‘Jun’ from ‘Happiness’, but there are innumerate others.

In this case, however, our trap goes to new extremes. She goes to an all girls school and everything. I have no doubt weirdness will ensue. This is definately one of those times where you get confused as whom in this Girls school is ACTUALLY a girl… (sigh…)

When I first watched this, I thought I had a very poor copy, but I eventually figured out that the animation is supposed to be favouring a pastel like, patterned effect, a bit like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. The animation style certainly reminds me of that, along with the questionable sense of humour. Eh, its not my cuppa tea, but I know alot of people like this stuff.


Our premium trap, above, gets revealed in the first episode.


The catgirl landlady has a most excellently dressed dog. What the hell did I screencap this for?


Ah, the overflowing Yuri (or is it?) begins…

Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 4/10 ~ Not really my thing….

Asu no Yoichi

A Samurai learns the wonders of fanservice.

Again, not much to say here. Its the obvious fanservice show of the season, and it doesn’t even try to hide that fact. I laughed when the little girl is asked about the defining features of her older sister, and replies ‘She has huge breasts…’

Its very much a face-palm moment, I’ll agree. But at least it doesn’t pretend to be intellectual. Also, it does have the rare benefit of having a stronger than usual male lead. He actually appears to be a pretty adept swordfighter, rather a total loser as is often the case in these scenarios. I also sympathise with him getting lost in a department store. They are a terrifying place. And, he manages to get nicked by the cops at least three times in the episode, which is refreshing given how the perverts usually get away scott-free in anime.

So yeah. It might have potential if approached with low expectations.


Well, trust the man with the bow. Just do it!


Indeed. A wise choice. Who knows what that handbag thief could do with it.


The cops have some dirt on him. Brandishing a weapon in public, (supposed) kidnapping of a minor, and perversion. But then, he also stopped a thief, rescued a lost child, and apologised for his actions, so they have to let him go.

Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 5/10 ~ Maybe. Depends on how bored I get.


Dopplegangers galore and thirty-hit combos.
Fantasy Action/Mindfuck

See the below post for details of this. I’m definately watching it, and probably blogging it.


Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 10/10 ~ Hell yes.


Transforming mecha-motorbikes learn to do ballet.

Well, this is last one I watched, since I’m not normally a mecha lover, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Basically, there are psuedo-sentient motorbikes, called RIDEBACKs, which can operate in three dimensions more easily than usual, going into standing modes, having arm like attachments, and even understanding voice commands.

Its set a bit into the future, where the superpowers were apparently taken down by a band of freedom fighters using superior technology. Sounds a bit like a Command & Conquer plot to me with a weird high tech terrorist organization taking the reigns from the UN. Presumably this techology was the RIDEBACKs, but this is not actually stated.

Anyway, our protagonist is the grand-daughter of Ogata Rina, and is hence expected to be an entertainment star. I had to do a double take on that. Yep. Its true. IS IT ONE HELL OF A COINCIDENCE or is this show is related to White Album, above, huh? The generational gap is correct and everything since thats in the 80’s and this the 2020’s. LOL.

However, our protagonist goes in ballet, but tears a ligament, crashing face first on stage, ruining her career before it ever really takes off. Now at college, she accidently gets involved in the RIDEBACK club, and find her old dancing skills are surprisingly cross compatible in making the machine move like a dancer. Some amusing chereography here.


The GGP has taken over the world.


A thunderstorm leads our heroine to seek cover in a club building…


Wow, she has a pretty orgasmic face riding that thing…heh…

Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 8/10 ~ Despite initial reservations, I’m quite interested in this…


My girlfriend is a can of Melonade. I like to slurp her.

Well, that quote really sums it up. This is an obvious fanservice anime that follows the old ‘a strange object actually turns out to be a girl’ premise. Of course, you can do this right, and you can do it wrong. The right way is making a cool series like Demonbane, with its ancient Lovecraft ties and magical tomes that are girls. The wrong way is this way.

This guy randomly buys a can of melonade. He gives it a slurp, and it transforms into a girl. He believes this is a dream and tries repeatedly to do questionable things to her (sigh…). Then we have the ridiculous side-plots, like you must drink from this girl every day (kiss her), re-fill her from time to time (with extra cans from the machine), and make sure that she doesn’t lose her carbonation and go flat, because this kills her (so you need to put her in the fridge).

Despite the rampant objectophilia, there’s really nothing going for this series. Unless total mindless fanservice is your thing. Personally, I need a little more most of the time (even AkaneIro had more, thats as low as I go…)


And I wonder why anime gets a bad rep from the un-educated… (sigh…)


Wow, yeah. Everyone has hobbies like that.


Down the toilet, apparently…

Likelihood of Watching/Pursuing? : 1/10 ~ For the sake of my sanity. No.

Ah yeah, I’ll also continue to watch Toradora, Index, and Tytania.

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Yeah, sorry for the distinct lack of…well…anything…over the xmas and new year period. I was mostly at the folks; and was technologically impared whilst I was staying over for the holidays. Though I had internet access of a sort, it was far too slow to consider doing any blogging, and I was also pretty busy.

Suffice to say, this now means I’m somewhat behind, yet again, with my anime blogging. In the interests of playing catch-up over the next few days, I’ll likely dispense the large scale, full plot posts for snap-shot type things.

I’ll also put up a ‘what I’m watching post’ for the new anime season. Kannagi and Akane-Iro have finished airing now (Toradora, Index and Tytania look to be carrying on). So I need something to fill up the slots!

From my initial look at the new season, I’m most interested in Kurokami (reminds me of Shana) and White Album (potential for a good new romance?), but I’ll have to evaluate their first episodes to be sure. RIDE-BACK and Maria+Holic might also be worth looking into, though they’re not my usual cups of tea. (the former has motorbike mecha and the latter involves a TRAP!).

And, as my New Years gift to those whom are interested, have a new wallpaper:


Its Alice Margatroid from Touhou, the mistress of dolls, sometimes known as the seven coloured puppeteer. Which I’ve taken literally in this design (LOL). As per normal, click the image to see the full size version…

Keep tuned!

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Only marginally late this time, lol.

Anyhow, this episode is the start of a new arc in the series, covering Deep Blood, the vampire killer. I’m told by some that this is an anime original arc; but as I say, I stopped reading the manga back at what would have been episode 5, so I can’t confirm that.magicalindex7-1

‘Deep Blood’ is surrounded by bodies at the start of the episode.

Still, I enjoyed this. Touma is struggling with keeping up the facade that he has not lost his memories when he in fact has; all for the sake of not making Index worried. After our introductory moment; we have an amusing scene where Index wonders:


Thats, what, 36 dollars or 24 pounds worth? So…maybe 12 litres/tubs of the good stuff…Jesus…how many calories is that…?

She goes on to say she’s forbidden to eat treats as a nun anyway, but…


“Its okay if some ‘accidently’ falls into my mouth…” She says

I LOL’ed. So you want 12 tubs of ice-cream to accidently fall into your mouth, Index?

Anyway, Touma’s no good friends show up, and he has some stumbles because he doesn’t remember them. I have to say they really look like some kind of beach dudes. They call Index a Loli, and Touma makes the mistake of agreeing (in a sense), hence much anger and:


Uh-oh, she’s gonna explode!

He has to make a peace offering by taking her to McDonalds (well, the piss-take hence of) and getting milkshakes for her. During this time, they come across a miko (shrine maiden) collapsed at a table after eating 30 cheap 100 yen hamburgers. (what is it with girls that have black hole stomachs in this!?) She is also now short of her train ticket money because of her gluttony; and tries to borrow 100 yen from Touma and pals (failing, of course). She also claims to be a magician, which Index gets irate about because she sounds vague. Eventually her cram school teacher (huh?) comes to pick her up, along with a bunch of shady besuited men (reminded me of the swarms of FBI agents in Final Approach, LOL).

The Shrine Maiden is obviously Deep Blood from before; but Touma obviously doesn’t know this.

On the way home, Index finds a abandoned calico kitty, which she immediately calls ‘Sphinx’. Touma won’t let her keep it though, since cats aren’t allowed in dorms. Then she suddenly detects some magic and runs off to investigate, telling Touma to see her at home. But this is a distraction to allow Stiyl to appear again.

Touma basically gets ‘yoink’ recruited by him to hunt Deep Blood and gain control of her to battle some kind of alchemist who’s appeared in the town after being in hiding for three years. She’s been confirmed to be at the local cram school…

Anyhow, he gets back home and…magicalindex7-3


That was a quick pregnancy, wasn’t it? However, the ‘baby’ suddenly moves up to her bosom…

Of course, its actually just Index stashing the kitten from before in her robes:magicalindex7-4

LOL. Touma is given little choice but to let her keep it now…

He then goes out to the cram school with Stiyl, letting Index play with the kitten. It doesn’t seem a suspicious place. Well, until they find a dead knight in the reception area, which everyone is ignoring for some reason…

O RLY? You don’t say…

There ends the episode…

It was a slow-ish start to the new arc, but it was pretty funny, with Index producing several laughs with her ice-cream, flat chest and bulging stomach incidents. So roll on episode 8!

EDIT: Ah yeah, and I’d also like to give thanks to http://alphainventions.com/ for giving me some free exposure. Handy site dude, handy…

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Well, I was late doing the last two episodes; but having just watched episode 6, I was pretty shocked, and felt the need to immediately do a blog for it.

I mean, the last episode was really an epic buildup for this one. Compounded with the fact that I deliberately stopped my manga reading at the point on the previous episode, led to alot of anticipation for me in this episode.

And it didn’t dissapoint. Index’s self defence system is no slouch. It immediately unloads the affectionately termed ‘St. George’s Sanctuary’ at Touma. Which Stiyl and Kanzaki recognise as the epic level magic ‘Dragons breath’. But really, its just one hell of a fuck-off laser beam. (no ‘Aye maa chargin ma layzah!’ jokes please, children…)


Holy shit! Firepower!

Of course, this stuns Stiyl and Kanzaki since they’ve been fed with lies about how Index can’t use any magic. Touma also uses this moment to tell them about the other memory related lies the church has been busily weaving. And so Stiyl joins the battle, slapping Innocentius in the way of the laser so Touma can advance on Index (that poor fire golem…). Then Kanzaki does her crazy wire stuff, ripping the tatami mats from underneath Index and throwing her off balance…which makes the laser rip through the roof and…



I burst out laughing seeing the International Space Station (or whatever it is) getting taken out just because Index trips over…talk about long ranged…

However, this gives Touma the opening to leap in and hit Index with his Magic Dispelling arm, which annihilates her self defence system. However, as he holds her in his arms, we’re treated to a slow motion bit. And…


One of the angelic feathers left over from the laser shot floats down hits Touma’s head. Must be one hell of a heavy feather, because it instantly knocks him out like some kind of sledgehammer to the noggin.

Obviously Touma wasn’t listening when Kanzaki was screaming earlier about not letting the leftover feathers hitting you. Dunce. Oh well… pow…

Fast forward two weeks. Index is speaking with Touma’s doctor; and is handed a letter from Stiyl, which she rips the envelope off and reads. This briefs us on what happened in the meantime.

Touma has awoken. But…he has, according to the doctor, had his memories destroyed. Not just wiped. Destroyed. Yikes. Nevertheless, she plucks up her courage and enters Touma’s room, starting to run towards him. But she stops.

He’s forgotten his own name, that he was a student, and even thinks Index has the wrong room to begin with. And he’s forgotten Index too, by the looks of it. She gets increasingly distraught and says ‘But!…


Awww…. I almost cried….

Especially when he goes on to say ‘Index? Is that a dog or cat I once had…? Its not a persons name, is it? I…’

Poor girl.

But then he says ‘just kidding’, and gets a vicious biting from her before she storms out.

I was then about to call him an asshole for doing something like that. But the doctor comes in again, asking if it was ‘really alright to do that?’. Seems he did actually lose all of his memories from before and decided to fake his better condition to stop her from crying any more. (he’d been briefed by Stiyl before already it seems, hence he’d been informed about the situation despite having no memories…).


So, well, that sucks, huh? But…the doctor is still confused as to why he did this. Even if he’s been told about the situation, he shouldn’t feel the need to comfort a girl he technically no longer knows. His explaination is along the lines of:

“I just saw her crying and decided I couldn’t have that. Maybe its…memories of the heart?”

So, yeah, okay, I can forgive him.

Then, further fast forward. We see Railgun Girl briefly again (bloody teaser, peh…) and then move to seeing Stiyl in a massive machine room meeting with a guy hanging upside down in a giant test tube.


I can assume by his speech he’s the core of this city. He talks about a vampire hunting thing Stiyl should be the one to deal with, and tells him to work with the ‘Imagine Breaker’ boy (the new name for Touma’s dispelling power, it seems) to hunt this thing.

So, plot to end as well. Jeez. That was an action packed episode. Quality…

Phew, that was a long post, ne? Oh yeah, and happy Rememberance Sunday, by and the by.

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Err, yeah, I kinda forgot to do episode 4 of Index, didn’t I?

So I’ll do both episode 4 and episode 5 in the same post, ok?

Anyhow, Episode 4 was 90% dedicated to the absurdly long conversation between Touma and Kanzaki; with alot of angst and insults being thrown around (and Touma have the crap beaten out of himself in the process, because Kanzaki uses primarily sword and wire techniques, rather than magic.

I also knew most of the plot points that this otherwise important discussion reveals since as I noted, I’d read the manga up to chapter 12 already.


Kanzaki; a girl of swords, wires, and mismatching jean leg lengths. Why? Who knows?


Index has shed-loads of books in her head. And the church comes up those lies like ‘we have to wipe her other memories every year or else she’ll die’. But of course, this is merely a control method.


Gah, its too cute!

Episode 5 covers Touma recovering from his scrap, and trying to find a last ditch solution to the impending doom and loss of memory that Index is facing. He has but 24 hours to do so. But then, there’s the kind of shocking reveltation from Sensei that the Human brain actually doesn’t have a such low capacity or anything like that; and even with Index’s perfect memorization of books, there shouldn’t need to be a one year limit on the other memories; since storage wise we can easily memorize about 200 years of memories.

So he realises its a trick, and searches for the real reason of the prohibition. He finds a magic rune in her mouth, and sticks his magic dispelling hand in to destroy it. It works, but unfortunately, this activates her scary self defence system.


Spoken like a true molester, Touma… I’m actually kinda scared of you now…



That’s a scary self-defence mechanism…


Seriously, yikes…

I look forward to the next episode, as this is where I got to in the Manga…

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And yeah, before I close up shop for the night: a quick lowdown on what I’m watching this season:


Good lord, it feels like its been ages since I’ve seen a good Anime Space Opera. The last real one of note was Banner of the Stars. Though I guess I did also enjoy Starship Operators.

Tytania might finally fill that gap. Lots of epic-ly animated space battles amidst a space-born politcal climate of some significant upheaval. Its even got the obligatory Opera like opening song.

Unfortunately, it is a bit of a Sausagefest TM, for what I’ve seen so far. The only girls we’ve seen so far are the girl with the amazing antennae in episode 1 who got about 5 seconds of screentime, the loli shoeshiner Fan Hulick pushes his hero gig on in Ep 2, and the concubine of the apathic Tytanian noble.

But heck, not that this really matters, so long as it delivers in other departments.

Pow, pow, pow, etc.

Fan-Hulick. A man from the Tylor school of Captains, apparently…
As in, a bit of womanizer, and the guy no-one expects to win. (but they should)

Its the Star-Trek moment where everyone falls around. Except they did the bridge in Georgian Decor and spilt their tea in the process. Ponces. I mean really, who calls their flagship “The Golden Sheep”. Thats like asking for trouble!


Watch out! Its another dating game adaptation!

But so far, I’m impressed with the pace that AkaneIro has been offering. So many of these things drag on through the mud for ages and the guy can’t even decide if he actually likes women (and hence should shoot himself). But not here; we got him kissing Yuuhi in the first episode.

Assuming they can keep this up, it might restore my faith in game adaptations that was so hideously shattered by the mind-rot that was Da Capo Second Season. (and don’t even talk to me about Sister Princess)

And its a bonus that his sister looks remarkably like StrikerS Nanoha. Though we have the usual obvious ‘we’re not blood related so its okay!’ thing going on already here. Groan. Do dating game protagonists EVER actually have Blood related sisters? EVER? If they did, they’d know just what an incredibly bad idea it is… Jeez…

Yuuhi uses alot of Hair Gel. And goes ‘grrr’ alot, apparently…

See? Grr, again! Though I guess I’d be pissed off too if a guy I met yesterday came an snogged me in front of 30 other people. Nanoha His sister can only look on scared.

To Aru Majutsu No Index (aka. A Certain Magical Index)

Aha, something which at least marginally reminds me of the awesomeness of DemonBane. Though no doubt with considerably fewer Cthulu and H.P. Lovecraft references.

I read a little bit of the manga for this; and decided it was pretty good. A guy who can cancel magic and psychic powers with his hand? A great power, but apparently it also cancels out all of the good luck that he recieves, lol.

And a girl called Index, who’s basically a library of magical tomes. Who likes to bite things. And even eats out of date sandwiches. Oh, and did I mention she dresses up as a Nun?

No jokes about sticking bookmarks in Indexes, please children…

Its been awesomely animated so far, and they did the Sprinklers vs. Fire Mage fight most excellently.

Damn Index! For a book, you’re well illustrated. Or something.
(Yeah, I know she’s not actually a book like Al Alzif/Necromonicon was in DemonBane, but I can’t help think about that in reference. This might have even come first. I don’t know…heh)

Poor Innocentius. Like most Fire Golems, I’m sure he just wanted to be loved.
Unfortunately, said love is likely to cause painful third degree burns. So poof you go, young lad!

Kannagi (aka. Crazy Shrine Maidens)

I still can’t really understand why Kannagi has that subtitle. Its not about Shrine Maidens at all. Rather, its about the Goddesses of said shrines.

Oh well. Again, I read a little of the Manga here. Its a quite hilarious romp. Nagi is of course the centre of attention, with her magical girl, bug squashing, split personality antics. Though Jin seems to spend most of his time angsting about having a female goddess suddenly living in his home. Give up and accept it, man! I know you’re peeved that she manifested in your woodcutting for art class and destroyed it, but get over it.

I also seriously enjoy (and sympathise with) Nagi’s destruction of bugs with extreme predujice.

And of course, Zange-chan has just appeared in episode 3. Woohoo!

Yar, I wear T-Shirts that say ‘Shameless’. It sums up her character perfectly. Heh…

Nagi, the Magical Girl Goddess, has arrived! 0_o

Tora Dora!

And finally, I guess I HAD to watch the Kugiyama Rie show of this season. As you might have guessed from the banner to this blog, I’m a Shana nutcase. And its good to see she’s still voicing Tsundere Loli’s of the highest caliber.

Again, I’ve peeked at the translation of the novels upon which ToraDora is based. Taiga and Ryuji are most superb characters. Unlike some series like this, I can really relate, as they actually seem to have more normal thought chains. I just hope the anime can do them justice!

There are of course the puns on their names; as Taiga is well known as the Palmtop Tiger, and Ryuji describes himself as a Dragon (Ryu). Their alliance to get together with their best friends is of course, as we all know, quite doomed to failure as they are obviously meant for each other instead. But their antics trying is indeed quite hilarious. As is the telegraph pole kicking exercise.

Well, anyhow, lets hope they don’t turn Taiga into a Louise from the atrocious 3rd season of Zero No Tsukaima. As I say, her character deserves better.

Ryuji caught himself a Taiga. Good show, son, good show!

And Taiga has an Eva Unit 02 moment. Oh SHI–

Personally, I’m quite sure Kitamura is mentally unbalanced. What Taiga sees in him, we’ll never know.


Anyhow, that wraps things up for now. Tune in again for more cynicism!

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